Route information for Bus 7611

Route from the 22.04.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Hauptbahnhof, Tübingen
Departure dep 12:07
Station / stop Blaue Brücke, Tübingen
Arrival arr 12:08
Departure dep 12:08
Station / stop Landestheater, Tübingen
Arrival arr 12:09
Departure dep 12:09
Station / stop Hügelschule, Tübingen
Arrival arr 12:10
Departure dep 12:10
Arrival arr 12:11
Departure dep 12:11
Station / stop Abzw. B28, Kusterdingen
Arrival arr 12:15
Departure dep 12:15
Arrival arr 12:17
Departure dep 12:17
Station / stop Bannholz, Kusterdingen
Arrival arr 12:19
Departure dep 12:19
Station / stop Liststraße, Kusterdingen
Arrival arr 12:21
Departure dep 12:21
Arrival arr 12:23
Departure dep 12:23
Arrival arr 12:24
Departure dep 12:24
Arrival arr 12:26
Departure dep 12:26
Arrival arr 12:32
Please note
Days of operation: runs 22. until 29. Apr 2024 Mo - Fr
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