Route information for R 25674

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Melegnano
Departure dep 20:53
Station / stop S.Giuliano Milanese
Arrival arr 20:57
Departure dep 20:58
Station / stop Borgo Lombardo
Arrival arr 21:00
Departure dep 21:01
Station / stop San Donato Milanese
Arrival arr 21:04
Departure dep 21:05
Station / stop Milano Rogoredo
Arrival arr 21:10
Departure dep 21:12
Station / stop Milano P. Vittoria
Arrival arr 21:18
Departure dep 21:19
Station / stop Milano Dateo
Arrival arr 21:21
Departure dep 21:22
Station / stop Milano Porta Venezia
Arrival arr 21:24
Departure dep 21:25
Station / stop Milano Repubblica
Arrival arr 21:26
Departure dep 21:27
Station / stop Milano Porta Garibaldi
Arrival arr 21:29
Departure dep 21:30
Station / stop Milano Lancetti
Arrival arr 21:32
Departure dep 21:33
Station / stop Milano Bovisa
Arrival arr 21:39
Departure dep 21:40
Current Train continues as R 32675
Station / stop Milano Affori
Arrival arr 21:42
Departure dep 21:43
Station / stop Milano Bruzzano Parc
Arrival arr 21:45
Departure dep 21:46
Station / stop Cormano-Cusano
Arrival arr 21:49
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 5. until 23. Aug 2024, 1. Nov
Operator: TRENORD
2nd class only
space for wheelchairs

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