Route information for STN RB15 (24325)

Route from the 27.05.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Brandoberndorf
Departure dep 10:57
Station / stop Hasselborn
Arrival arr 11:01
Departure dep 11:02
Station / stop Grävenwiesbach
Arrival arr 11:06
Departure dep 11:07
Station / stop Hundstadt
Arrival arr 11:10
Departure dep 11:10
Station / stop Wilhelmsdorf
Arrival arr 11:15
Departure dep 11:16
Station / stop Usingen
Arrival arr 11:22
Departure dep 11:25
Station / stop Hausen(Taunus)
Arrival arr 11:28
Departure dep 11:29
Station / stop Neu-Anspach
Arrival arr 11:30
Departure dep 11:31
Station / stop Wehrheim
Arrival arr 11:36
Departure dep 11:36
Station / stop Saalburg(Taunus)
Arrival arr 11:39
Departure dep 11:40
Station / stop Köppern
Arrival arr 11:45
Departure dep 11:46
Station / stop Friedrichsdorf(Taunus)
Arrival arr 11:50
Departure dep 11:50
Station / stop Seulberg
Arrival arr 11:52
Departure dep 11:52
Station / stop Bad Homburg
Arrival arr 11:56
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 30. May, 3. Oct
Operator: Regionalverkehre Start Deutschland GmbH (Start Taunus)
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
space for wheelchairs
Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug

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