Route information for EST 9301

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Bruxelles Midi
Departure dep 06:52
Platform 3
Station / stop Antwerpen Centraal
Arrival arr 07:27
Departure dep 07:30
Platform 22
Station / stop Rotterdam Centraal
Arrival arr 08:02
Departure dep 08:06
Platform 13
Station / stop Schiphol (Airport)
Arrival arr 08:36
Departure dep 08:38
Platform 1-2
Station / stop Amsterdam Centraal
Arrival arr 08:53
Platform 13b
Please note
Days of operation:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
Jun     ¦    xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxxxx ¦ 
Jul  xxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦    ¦    ¦ 
Sep     ¦   xxxxx ¦xxxxx  xxxxx  x 
Oct xxxx¦ xxxxx  xxxxx ¦xxxxx  xxxx
Nov    xxxxx ¦ xxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ 
Dec  xxxxx  xxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
Operator: EUROSTAR
Subject to compulsory reservation
Global price
Non-smoker train
compartment for nursing mothers / bottle-feeding
Compartment for disabled travellers
Wifi available

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