Route information for Bus 12

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Stephansschule, Konstanz
Departure dep 18:19
Arrival arr 18:20
Departure dep 18:20
Station / stop Sternenplatz, Konstanz
Arrival arr 18:22
Departure dep 18:22
Station / stop Zähringerplatz, Konstanz
Arrival arr 18:24
Departure dep 18:24
Station / stop Bismarcksteig, Konstanz
Arrival arr 18:25
Departure dep 18:25
Station / stop Friedhof, Konstanz
Arrival arr 18:27
Departure dep 18:27
Station / stop Taborweg, Konstanz
Arrival arr 18:28
Departure dep 18:28
Station / stop Fürstenberg, Konstanz
Arrival arr 18:29
Departure dep 18:29
Station / stop Buhlenweg Süd, Konstanz
Arrival arr 18:30
Departure dep 18:30
Station / stop Gutenbergweg, Konstanz
Arrival arr 18:31
Departure dep 18:31
Station / stop Schwaketenbad, Konstanz
Arrival arr 18:32
Departure dep 18:32
Arrival arr 18:33
Departure dep 18:33
Arrival arr 18:34
Departure dep 18:34
Arrival arr 18:35
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 1. Aug, 3. Oct, 1. Nov

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