Route information for Bus 564

Route from the 15.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Hauptbahnhof ZOB, Speyer
Departure dep 20:05
Platform Steig 5
Station / stop Baumwollspinnerei, Speyer
Arrival arr 20:08
Departure dep 20:08
Arrival arr 20:09
Departure dep 20:09
Arrival arr 20:10
Departure dep 20:10
Arrival arr 20:11
Departure dep 20:11
Station / stop Kirche St. Otto, Speyer
Arrival arr 20:12
Departure dep 20:12
Station / stop Berliner Platz, Speyer
Arrival arr 20:13
Departure dep 20:14
Arrival arr 20:15
Departure dep 20:15
Station / stop Burgfeldschule, Speyer
Arrival arr 20:16
Departure dep 20:16
Arrival arr 20:17
Departure dep 20:17
Arrival arr 20:18
Departure dep 20:18
Station / stop Postplatz, Speyer
Arrival arr 20:22
Departure dep 20:22
Platform Steig 3
Station / stop Postgraben, Speyer
Arrival arr 20:24
Departure dep 20:25
Station / stop Hirschgraben, Speyer
Arrival arr 20:26
Departure dep 20:26
Station / stop Hauptbahnhof ZOB, Speyer
Arrival arr 20:28
Platform Steig 4
Please note
Days of operation: runs Sa
Operator: Rheinpfalzbus
Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug

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