Route information for HLB RB58 (28654)

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Laufach
Departure dep 15:50
Platform 1
Station / stop Hösbach
Arrival arr 15:53
Departure dep 15:54
Platform 2
Station / stop Aschaffenburg Hbf
Arrival arr 16:00
Departure dep 16:10
Platform 8
Station / stop Kleinostheim
Arrival arr 16:14
Departure dep 16:15
Platform 2
Station / stop Rückersbacher Schlucht
Arrival arr 16:17
Departure dep 16:17
Platform 2
Station / stop Dettingen(Main)
Arrival arr 16:20
Departure dep 16:21
Platform 3
Station / stop Kahl(Main)
Arrival arr 16:24
Departure dep 16:25
Platform 3
Station / stop Großkrotzenburg
Arrival arr 16:27
Departure dep 16:27
Platform 1
Station / stop Großauheim(Kr Hanau)
Arrival arr 16:30
Departure dep 16:30
Platform 2
Station / stop Hanau Hbf
Arrival arr 16:33
Departure dep 16:34
Platform 102
Station / stop Hanau West
Arrival arr 16:37
Departure dep 16:37
Platform 1
Station / stop Hanau-Wilhelmsbad
Arrival arr 16:39
Departure dep 16:40
Platform 1
Station / stop Maintal Ost
Arrival arr 16:42
Departure dep 16:43
Platform 2
Station / stop Maintal West
Arrival arr 16:45
Departure dep 16:46
Platform 1
Station / stop Frankfurt-Mainkur
Arrival arr 16:48
Departure dep 16:49
Platform 3
Station / stop Frankfurt(Main)Ost
Arrival arr 16:52
Departure dep 16:53
Platform 3
Station / stop Frankfurt(Main)Süd
Arrival arr 16:57
Departure dep 16:58
Platform 7
Arrival arr 17:13
Departure dep 17:14
Platform Fern 7
Station / stop Rüsselsheim
Arrival arr 17:21
Departure dep 17:22
Platform 1
Station / stop Rüsselsheim Opelwerk
Arrival arr 17:24
Platform 24
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 11. until 13. Jul 2024
Operator: HLB Hessenbahn GmbH
Number of bicycles conveyed limited

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