Route information for IC 986

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Budapest-Keleti
Departure dep 15:15
Station / stop Budapest-Kelenföld
Arrival arr 15:28
Departure dep 15:29
Station / stop Tatabanya
Arrival arr 15:59
Departure dep 16:00
Station / stop Tata
Arrival arr 16:06
Departure dep 16:07
Station / stop Komarom
Arrival arr 16:18
Departure dep 16:19
Station / stop Györ
Arrival arr 16:37
Departure dep 16:39
Station / stop Csorna
Arrival arr 16:58
Departure dep 16:59
Station / stop Kapuvar
Arrival arr 17:09
Departure dep 17:10
Station / stop Fertöszentmiklos
Arrival arr 17:19
Departure dep 17:20
Station / stop Sopron
Arrival arr 17:38
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 2. until 4. Jul 2024, 9. until 11. Jul 2024, 15., 16. Jul, 14., 15. Aug (Budapest-Keleti --> Csorna)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 2. until 4. Jul 2024, 9. until 11. Jul 2024, 15., 16. Jul, 14., 15. Aug (Csorna --> Sopron)
Operator: GySEV
Subject to compulsory reservation
Number of bicycles conveyed limited (runs daily, not 2. until 4. Jul 2024, 9. until 11. Jul 2024, 15., 16. Jul, 14., 15. Aug )

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