Route information for R 5501

Station / stop
Station / stop Struer st
Departure dep 04:12
Station / stop Humlum st
Arrival arr 04:18
Departure dep 04:18
Station / stop Oddesund Nord st
Arrival arr 04:24
Departure dep 04:24
Station / stop Uglev st
Arrival arr 04:28
Departure dep 04:29
Station / stop Hvidbjerg st
Arrival arr 04:34
Departure dep 04:34
Station / stop Lyngs st
Arrival arr 04:39
Departure dep 04:40
Station / stop Ydby st
Arrival arr 04:47
Departure dep 04:48
Station / stop Hurup Thy st
Arrival arr 04:52
Departure dep 04:53
Station / stop Bedsted Thy st
Arrival arr 04:59
Departure dep 05:00
Station / stop Hoerdum st
Arrival arr 05:06
Departure dep 05:07
Station / stop Snedsted st
Arrival arr 05:15
Departure dep 05:15
Station / stop Sjoerring st
Arrival arr 05:23
Departure dep 05:23
Station / stop Thisted st
Arrival arr 05:32
Please note
Days of operation: runs 5. until 9. Aug 2024
Operator: GoCollective
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Wifi available

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