Route information for RE 4485

Route from the 15.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop 's-Hertogenbosch
Departure dep 23:28
Platform 6b
Station / stop Vught
Arrival arr 23:32
Departure dep 23:32
Platform 2
Station / stop Boxtel
Arrival arr 23:38
Departure dep 23:38
Platform 3
Station / stop Best
Arrival arr 23:45
Departure dep 23:45
Platform 4
Station / stop Eindhoven Strijp-S
Arrival arr 23:50
Departure dep 23:50
Platform 4
Station / stop Eindhoven Centraal
Arrival arr 23:54
Departure dep 00:05
Platform 1
Station / stop Helmond Brandevoort
Arrival arr 00:12
Departure dep 00:12
Platform 2
Station / stop Helmond 't Hout
Arrival arr 00:15
Departure dep 00:15
Platform 2
Station / stop Helmond
Arrival arr 00:18
Departure dep 00:18
Platform 2
Station / stop Helmond Brouwhuis
Arrival arr 00:22
Departure dep 00:22
Platform 2
Station / stop Deurne
Arrival arr 00:27
Platform 3
Please note
Days of operation: runs 15. Jun
Operator: Nederlandse Spoorwegen
Number of bicycles conveyed limited

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