Route information for ME RE2 (75850)

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Hannover Hbf
Departure dep 10:40
Platform 4 D-G
Station / stop Langenhagen Mitte
Arrival arr 10:47
Departure dep 10:48
Platform 1
Station / stop Isernhagen
Arrival arr 10:53
Departure dep 10:53
Platform 1
Station / stop Großburgwedel
Arrival arr 10:57
Departure dep 10:57
Platform 1
Station / stop Celle
Arrival arr 11:07
Departure dep 11:08
Platform 5
Station / stop Eschede
Arrival arr 11:16
Departure dep 11:17
Platform 1
Station / stop Unterlüß
Arrival arr 11:23
Departure dep 11:24
Platform 8
Station / stop Suderburg
Arrival arr 11:30
Departure dep 11:31
Platform 1
Station / stop Uelzen
Arrival arr 11:38
Platform 103
Please note
Days of operation: runs 28. Jun until 9. Sep 2024
Operator: metronom
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
space for wheelchairs

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