Route information for Bus 9

Route from the 15.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Bahnhof, Gammertingen
Departure dep 11:50
Station / stop Krone, Hettingen
Arrival arr 11:56
Departure dep 11:56
Arrival arr 11:59
Departure dep 11:59
Station / stop Bahnhof, Veringenstadt
Arrival arr 12:03
Departure dep 12:03
Arrival arr 12:07
Departure dep 12:07
Arrival arr 12:11
Departure dep 12:11
Arrival arr 12:16
Departure dep 12:16
Station / stop Bahnhof, Sigmaringen
Arrival arr 12:21
Please note
Days of operation: runs 15. Jun until 27. Jul 2024 Sa

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