Route information for NJ 40490

Station / stop
Station / stop Wien Hbf
Departure dep 20:10
Station / stop Wien Meidling
Departure dep 20:17
Station / stop St.Pölten Hbf
Arrival arr 20:42
Departure dep 20:44
Station / stop Linz Hbf
Arrival arr 21:32
Departure dep 21:34
Station / stop Wels Hbf
Arrival arr 21:49
Departure dep 21:51
Station / stop Passau Hbf
Arrival arr 22:34
Departure dep 22:53
Station / stop Regensburg Hbf
Arrival arr 00:01
Departure dep 00:03
Station / stop Nürnberg Hbf
Arrival arr 01:07
Departure dep 01:39
Station / stop Würzburg Hbf
Arrival arr 02:30
Departure dep 02:32
Station / stop Köln Hbf
Arrival arr 06:58
Departure dep 07:02
Station / stop 's-Hertogenbosch
Arrival arr 09:43
Station / stop Utrecht Centraal
Arrival arr 10:29
Station / stop Amsterdam Centraal
Arrival arr 11:01
Please note
Days of operation: runs 6. Jun
Operator: Österreichische Bundesbahnen
Subject to compulsory reservation
2nd class only seated accommodation
Global price
ÖBB Nightjet (
snacks and beverages available from sleeper/couchette attendant
WC accessible for wheelchair
Wheelchair space - For advance notification, call +43 5 1717

Visit us at

Payment options