Route information for ICD 9256

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Amsterdam Centraal
Departure dep 17:25
Platform 15a
Station / stop Schiphol (Airport)
Departure dep 17:40
Platform 5-6
Station / stop Rotterdam Centraal
Departure dep 18:11
Platform 3
Station / stop Breda
Arrival arr 18:34
Departure dep 18:42
Platform 7
Current Train continues as IC 9256
Station / stop Noorderkempen
Arrival arr 19:00
Departure dep 19:01
Platform 2
Station / stop Antwerpen Centraal
Arrival arr 19:16
Departure dep 19:19
Platform 23
Station / stop Antwerpen-Berchem
Arrival arr 19:23
Departure dep 19:25
Platform 9
Station / stop Mechelen
Arrival arr 19:37
Departure dep 19:39
Platform 12
Arrival arr 19:50
Departure dep 19:54
Platform 3
Station / stop Bruxelles-Nord
Arrival arr 20:05
Departure dep 20:08
Platform 9
Station / stop Bruxelles-Central
Arrival arr 20:12
Departure dep 20:13
Platform 4
Station / stop Bruxelles Midi
Arrival arr 20:17
Platform 15
Please note
Days of operation: runs 28. Jun until 19. Jul 2024 Mo - Fr; not 1. Jul
Operator: SNCB, Nederlandse Spoorwegen
ICD-supplement required (Schiphol (Airport) --> Rotterdam Centraal)

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