Route information for RB 30 (58533)

Route from the 24.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Nürnberg Hbf
Departure dep 14:08
Platform 20
Station / stop Nürnberg Ost
Arrival arr 14:12
Departure dep 14:13
Platform 4
Station / stop Nürnberg-Erlenstegen
Arrival arr 14:15
Departure dep 14:15
Platform 2
Station / stop Behringersdorf
Arrival arr 14:19
Departure dep 14:19
Platform 1
Station / stop Rückersdorf(Mfr)
Arrival arr 14:22
Departure dep 14:23
Platform 11
Station / stop Ludwigshöhe
Arrival arr 14:25
Departure dep 14:25
Platform 1
Station / stop Lauf(rechts Pegnitz)
Arrival arr 14:28
Departure dep 14:28
Platform 1
Station / stop Neunkirchen a Sand
Arrival arr 14:31
Departure dep 14:32
Platform 3
Station / stop Reichenschwand
Arrival arr 14:35
Departure dep 14:35
Platform 1
Station / stop Hersbruck(r Pegnitz)
Arrival arr 14:38
Departure dep 14:39
Platform 2
Station / stop Hohenstadt(Mittelfr)
Arrival arr 14:43
Departure dep 14:43
Platform 1
Station / stop Vorra(Pegnitz)
Arrival arr 14:48
Departure dep 14:48
Platform 1
Station / stop Rupprechtstegen
Arrival arr 14:52
Departure dep 14:53
Platform 2
Station / stop Velden(b Hersbruck)
Arrival arr 14:56
Departure dep 14:56
Platform 2
Station / stop Neuhaus(Pegnitz)
Arrival arr 15:00
Platform 3
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily
Operator: DB Regio AG Bayern
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only
vehicle-mounted accessaid
Ticket machine on the train
Wifi available

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