Route information for Bus 30

Route from the 18.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Basel, Badischer Bahnhof
Departure dep 05:08
Platform B
Station / stop Basel, Erlenmatt
Arrival arr 05:10
Departure dep 05:10
Platform B
Station / stop Basel, Mattenstrasse
Arrival arr 05:11
Departure dep 05:11
Station / stop Basel, Riehenring
Arrival arr 05:12
Departure dep 05:12
Station / stop Basel, Hammerstrasse
Arrival arr 05:13
Departure dep 05:13
Station / stop Basel, Feldbergstrasse
Arrival arr 05:14
Departure dep 05:14
Station / stop Basel, Erasmusplatz
Arrival arr 05:15
Departure dep 05:15
Station / stop Basel, Johanniterbrücke
Arrival arr 05:16
Departure dep 05:16
Station / stop Basel, Kinderspital
Arrival arr 05:17
Departure dep 05:17
Platform B
Station / stop Basel, Bernoullianum
Arrival arr 05:19
Departure dep 05:19
Station / stop Basel, Spalentor
Arrival arr 05:20
Departure dep 05:20
Station / stop Basel, Universität
Arrival arr 05:22
Departure dep 05:22
Platform F
Station / stop Basel, Steinenschanze
Arrival arr 05:23
Departure dep 05:23
Station / stop Basel, Bahnhof SBB
Arrival arr 05:25
Platform B
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 1. Aug
Operator: Basler Verkehrsbetriebe
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Low-floor coach

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