Route information for BRB RB58 (79523)

Route from the 21.05.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Holzkirchen
Departure dep 11:59
Platform 5
Station / stop Kreuzstraße
Arrival arr 12:04
Departure dep 12:05
Platform 3
Station / stop Westerham
Arrival arr 12:11
Departure dep 12:18
Platform 2
Station / stop Feldolling
Arrival arr 12:20
Departure dep 12:20
Platform 1
Station / stop Bruckmühl
Arrival arr 12:24
Departure dep 12:25
Platform 3
Station / stop Heufeldmühle
Arrival arr 12:26
Departure dep 12:27
Platform 1
Station / stop Hinrichssegen
Arrival arr 12:28
Departure dep 12:29
Platform 1
Station / stop Heufeld
Arrival arr 12:30
Departure dep 12:31
Platform 2
Station / stop Bad Aibling
Arrival arr 12:34
Departure dep 12:39
Platform 1
Station / stop Bad Aibling Kurpark
Arrival arr 12:40
Departure dep 12:41
Platform 1
Station / stop Kolbermoor
Arrival arr 12:45
Departure dep 12:45
Platform 2
Station / stop Rosenheim Aicherpark
Arrival arr 12:47
Departure dep 12:48
Platform 1
Station / stop Rosenheim
Arrival arr 12:51
Platform 6
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 30. May, 15. Aug, 3. Oct, 1. Nov
Operator: Bayerische Regiobahn
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Behindertengerechte Ausstattung
vehicle-mounted access aid
power sockets for laptop
air conditioning

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