Route information for CB C14 (80067)

Station / stop
Station / stop Mittweida
Departure dep 15:00
Station / stop Altmittweida
Arrival arr 15:02
Departure dep 15:03
Station / stop Ottendorf(Mittweida)
Arrival arr 15:07
Departure dep 15:07
Station / stop Oberlichtenau
Arrival arr 15:10
Departure dep 15:10
Arrival arr 15:13
Departure dep 15:13
Station / stop Chemnitz Hbf
Arrival arr 15:19
Departure dep 15:21
Arrival arr 15:22
Departure dep 15:22
Station / stop Chemnitz Theaterplatz
Arrival arr 15:23
Departure dep 15:23
Station / stop Chemnitz Roter Turm
Arrival arr 15:25
Departure dep 15:25
Arrival arr 15:27
Departure dep 15:28
Station / stop Chemnitz Annenstraße
Arrival arr 15:30
Departure dep 15:30
Station / stop Chemnitz Bernsbachplatz
Arrival arr 15:31
Departure dep 15:31
Station / stop Chemnitz Stadlerplatz
Arrival arr 15:33
Departure dep 15:33
Station / stop Chemnitz Rosenbergstraße
Arrival arr 15:34
Departure dep 15:35
Station / stop Chemnitz TU Campus
Arrival arr 15:36
Departure dep 15:36
Station / stop Chemnitz Technopark
Arrival arr 15:39
Departure dep 15:40
Station / stop Chemnitz-Reichenhain
Arrival arr 15:43
Departure dep 15:43
Station / stop Chemnitz Erfenschlag
Arrival arr 15:45
Departure dep 15:45
Station / stop Chemnitz-Erfenschlag Ost
Arrival arr 15:47
Departure dep 15:47
Station / stop Einsiedel Hp Gymnasium
Arrival arr 15:49
Departure dep 15:49
Station / stop Einsiedel
Arrival arr 15:50
Departure dep 15:51
Arrival arr 15:52
Departure dep 15:52
Station / stop Einsiedel Brauerei
Arrival arr 15:53
Departure dep 15:54
Station / stop Dittersdorf
Arrival arr 15:56
Departure dep 15:58
Station / stop Kemtau
Arrival arr 16:02
Departure dep 16:03
Station / stop Burkhardtsdorf
Arrival arr 16:05
Departure dep 16:06
Station / stop Burkhardtsdorf Mitte
Arrival arr 16:07
Departure dep 16:08
Station / stop Meinersdorf(Erzgeb)
Arrival arr 16:10
Departure dep 16:16
Station / stop Thalheim(Erzgeb) Mitte
Arrival arr 16:19
Departure dep 16:20
Station / stop Thalheim(Erzgeb)
Arrival arr 16:21
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 10. Dec 2023, 16. until 18. Dec 2023, 23. Dec, 17. until 21. Jun 2024 (Mittweida --> Chemnitz Hbf)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 10., 16., 17., 23. Dec 2023, 17. until 23. Jun 2024 (Chemnitz Hbf --> Chemnitz Technopark)
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 25., 26. Dec, 1. Jan, 29. Mar, 1. Apr, 1., 9., 20. May, 17. until 21. Jun 2024, 3., 31. Oct, 20. Nov (Chemnitz Technopark --> Einsiedel)
Days of operation:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
Dec     ¦    ¦xxxxx  xxxxx  ¦ xxx¦ 
Jan  xxx¦    ¦    ¦ xxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
Feb xx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxxxx ¦xxxx¦ 
Mar x  xxxxx ¦xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxx ¦ 
Apr  xxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xx 
May  xx ¦xxx x  xxxxx  ¦xxxx¦ xxxxx
Jun   xxxxx  xxxxx¦    ¦   xxxxx ¦ 
Jul xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
Aug xx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxxxx ¦xxxxx 
Sep  xxxxx  xxxxx ¦xxxxx  xxxxx  x 
Oct xx x¦ xxxxx  xxxxx ¦xxxxx  xxx 
Nov x  xxxxx ¦xxxxx  xx¦xx  xxxxx¦ 
Dec  xxxxx  xxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
(Einsiedel --> Thalheim(Erzgeb))
Operator: City-Bahn Chemnitz
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only
only stops on request (Einsiedel August-Bebel-Platz --> Einsiedel August-Bebel-Platz)
only stops on request (Einsiedel Hp Gymnasium --> Einsiedel Hp Gymnasium)
only stops on request (Chemnitz-Erfenschlag Ost --> Chemnitz-Erfenschlag Ost)
no bicycle transport charges
Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug

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