Route information for R 3342

Route from the 23.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Milano Centrale
Departure dep 21:25
Station / stop Rho-Fiera Milano
Arrival arr 21:35
Departure dep 21:36
Station / stop Busto Arsizio
Arrival arr 21:52
Departure dep 21:53
Station / stop Gallarate
Arrival arr 21:58
Departure dep 21:59
Station / stop Sesto Calende
Arrival arr 22:18
Departure dep 22:19
Station / stop Arona
Arrival arr 22:28
Please note
Days of operation: runs 23. Jun until 8. Sep 2024 (Milano Centrale --> Gallarate)
Days of operation: runs 23. Jun until 8. Sep 2024; not 20., 21. Jul (Gallarate --> Arona)
Operator: TRENORD
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
space for wheelchairs

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