Route information for Bus 3

Route from the 27.05.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Leopoldplatz, Sigmaringen
Departure dep 16:00
Station / stop In der Au, Sigmaringen
Arrival arr 16:01
Departure dep 16:01
Arrival arr 16:04
Departure dep 16:04
Arrival arr 16:05
Departure dep 16:05
Station / stop Hohe Warte, Sigmaringen
Arrival arr 16:06
Departure dep 16:06
Arrival arr 16:07
Departure dep 16:07
Arrival arr 16:10
Departure dep 16:10
Station / stop Leopoldplatz, Sigmaringen
Arrival arr 16:11
Please note
Days of operation: runs 27. May until 5. Jun 2024 Mo - We, Fr

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