Route information for AST 368

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Busbahnhof, Blaubeuren
Departure dep 19:05
Station / stop Alte Post, Blaubeuren
Arrival arr 19:06
Departure dep 19:06
Station / stop Karlstraße, Blaubeuren
Arrival arr 19:07
Departure dep 19:07
Station / stop Bahnhof, Blaubeuren
Arrival arr 19:09
Departure dep 19:10
Station / stop Weiler Abzw., Blaubeuren
Arrival arr 19:13
Departure dep 19:13
Station / stop Weiler Ort, Blaubeuren
Arrival arr 19:14
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 3. Oct, 1. Nov
Operator: Regionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee
Rufbus:Anmeldung spät. 1h vor Abfahrt, Tel. 07392 9572033,tgl 6-23Uhr

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